
Click HERE to access our Video Server to view some of our programming.

Ocean TV provides a variety of programming as part of its mission. Some of our locally produced shows include:
  • Ocean in Motion - a video magazine of happenings in the township
  • Artists Unlimited - interviews with local artists
  • Upside of 50 - Shows with topics of interest for folks over 50
  • Interviews with local leaders
  • Community events such as fairs, concerts, and others Public Service Announcements
Ocean TV also airs other programs provided to us by outside agencies such as:
  • Facts and Issues - from the Township of Ocean League of Women Voters
  • Jersey Shore Update - from the office of NJ State Senator Sean Kean
  • Monmouth in Focus- from the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders
  • Programming from SCAN, the Senior Citizen's Action Network, based at Monmouth Mall in Eatontown.
In our partnership with the video production department at Ocean Township High School, Ocean TV airs programs from the school including:
  • Spartan Update
  • Dubs - A collection of short films
  • Various Sporting Events
In addition, whenever our programming is not showing, our Computerized Bulletin Board is operating, Our bulletin board provides information on Township services as well as provides other Community information. Publicity for Non-Profits Are you a member of a non-profit organization that needs to publicize an event or get some other information out? We can post your information on our Computerized Bulletin Board for FREE. To have your information posted, either FAX your posting to 732-531-5286 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 732-531-5286 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or e-mail it to oceantv (@) The schedule of programming can be found on Ocean TV as part of the public information notices.

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Ext. 3302