Apartments and Business Recycling Requirements

New Jersey's recycling law requires that businesses and apartments must recycle in accordance with local recycling ordinance regulations. Summonses may be issued to anyone who fails to comply with the Township of Ocean Revised General Ordinance, Chapter X recycling regulations.

Apartment residents, check with the management office at your complex to find out where drop-off areas are located and when collection service is offered.  Call 732-531-5001 if recycling services are NOT provided.  Additional information can be found in the Monmouth County Recycling Directory.

Business owners are required to maintain their property free of litter.  Recycling and providing the proper containers for recyclables will reduce litter and assist in keeping the area around your store more inviting while helping to maintain a better environment.

You are required to recycle the following materials:
  • newspaper 
  • mixed paper
  • high grade paper
  • mail
  • corrugated cardboard
  • chip board (cereal boxes etc)
  • computer paper
  • glass bottles and jars
  • pourable plastic containers
  • rechargeable and "button' batteries
  • leaves and grass
  • used motor oil
  • white goods (appliances) and metal
  • demolition material
  • restaurants are required to recycle kitchen grease
  • aluminum and tin cans
Small businesses who generate small amounts of recyclables can utilize the Township recycling drop-off center located at the west end of Sunset Avenue.  Hours are Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.  Place corrugated cardboard, mixed paper, newspaper and commingle bottles and cans into the dumpsters provided. This is a recycling center only.  Trash is not accepted.

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